Basketball Schedule for today:
AB QC3 practice 3:00 – 4:30pm
AAB Practice 4:00 - 5:30pm
There will be JUST DANCE today at 12:25!
The “A” Boys QC2 had a hard fought close battle last night against Birchwood but came up short 35-27. Jonah Mamye had a strong defensive performance, Hayden Currie lead the pack on offence. Malcolm Cong showed lots of heart and passion and Dave Surio had a great game beating the full court press with ease.
The “A” Girls team won 19-10 over Birchwood last night. Post players Madi Waite and Molly Casford played strong in the paint, and Callie Robinson caused multiple turnovers from Birchwood that resulted in baskets for QC.
Can Kaitlin Millar, Emma Harding and SJ Hardigan please see Ms Arsenault in the PE office once announcements are finished!
Book club members are reminded of the meeting today (Friday) at 12:25 in the library.
The first meeting of 2025 for QC STEAM club will be today (Friday). This is for those students who have already signed up. The meeting will be same time and same place as our meetings before Christmas break.
“Guess how many candies are in the jar?” Fundraiser for French class 8A will take place at lunch time 12:05 – 12:25 by the Cafeteria again today. $1 per guess.
Group 2 Hockey Skills Members need to pass their forms into Mr. Ward, Mr. Duguay or Mr. Phelan as soon as possible. Forms need to be in to be able to go on the ice next Wednesday.
Grade 9 Grad Photo re-takes will be happening on Wednesday, January 22nd. (Grad photo proofs were sent home yesterday.)
The Supreme Court of Canada’s 150th Anniversary Art Contest. We’re looking for drawings, paintings or other graphic artwork illustrating the history and future of the Court as we commemorate it’s 150th year. The contest is open to all young artists residing in Canada between the ages of 5 – 17. Deadline to submit your artwork is January 31, 2025. For more information please come to the office.