Daily Announcements – Thursday, December 19, 2024 - Day 2

Basketball Schedule for today:

AG practice is cancelled today. 
AAG girls will practice 3:15-4:15pm.
AB QC2 game at Immanuel Christian CANCELLED (to be re-scheduled)

There are wrestling intramurals today (Thursday) at 12:25 for all students.

Anyone who needs skates or helmet for the Gr 9 trip, please see Mr. McAdam this week!

Grade 7 students are allowed “off grounds” at lunch today and tomorrow.

Congratulations to our winning HR classes for highest food drive collection! - 7E, 8D, & 9A. They will have early lunch and early end of day dismissal.

There are cookies for sale today at break time outside the Cafeteria, as well as a guessing game. “How many peppermints are in the jar?”  $2 for 1 guess, $5 for 3 guesses.  Winner will get all of the peppermints and a basket of goodies.

It’s QC Spirit Week!
Thursday (today) - Festive/Holiday/Ugly Sweater Day
Friday - Comfy Activity Day
Friday, December 20th we will be having a Hypnotist show at 10:30 in the gym.  There will also be a skate at Simmons on Friday morning.  If you choose to participate, please remember to bring your skates and helmet. (Helmets are mandatory)