Daily Announcements – Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - Day 5

Basketball Schedule for today:
AG @ Immanuel Christian 4:30pm (Cabs Triple Doors 3:30pm)
AB QC3 @ Stonepark 5:30pm

Intramurals will be for Grade 7’s today.

Grade 8 students will have early lunch for the month of January.

Group 1 Hockey Skills members will be on the ice tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2:30. Any questions please see Mr. Ward or Mr. Phelan. 
Group 2 Hockey Skills members (Gr. 7 and 8 students) there will be an information session today during Period 5 in the cafeteria to pass out forms and explain the Hockey Skills program. 

Grade 9 Students who need skates or a helmet for the grade 9 trip can pick them up today at 12:25 in the wellness room from Mr.McAdam.
This is the last week to order yearbooks.  Yearbooks can be ordered online, through e-transfer, or in person with Mr. Taggart.  Cost is $36 – be sure to order this week!

Please be careful and take your time moving through the halls now that the winter weather is upon us.  It can get quite slippery as snow melts.