Daily Announcements – Monday, January 13, 2025 - Day 3

Basketball Schedule for today:
AA Girls practice 4-5pm
AB QC2 and QC3: 5-7pm

Group 2 Hockey Skills Members need to pass their forms into Mr. Ward or Mr. Duguay as soon as possible. Forms need to be in to be able to go on the ice on Wednesday. 

The yearbook meeting at lunch today (Monday) is cancelled. There will still be yearbook after school on Wednesday.

The Supreme Court of Canada’s 150th Anniversary Art Contest.  We’re looking for drawings, paintings or other graphic artwork illustrating the history and future of the Court as we commemorate it’s 150th year.  The contest is open to all young artists residing in Canada between the ages of 5 – 17.  Deadline to submit your artwork is January 31, 2025.  For more information please come to the office.