
Click on the titles below to view the full announcements.

Basketball Schedule for today: AAG Practice 3:15-4:45pm AG Practice 3:45-5:15pm AAB Practice 5:15-6:15pm AB QC2 Practice 6-7:30pm AB QC3 Practice 6:45-8:15pm

There will be no morning gym this week, morning gym will continue on Tuesday Feb 4th. There are only 3 expectations for morning gym, please wait for a teacher to let you into the gym area at 8:15am, if you aren’t using equipment put it away, and clean up and head to homeroom class when the bell rings at 8:35am. We really…

Basketball Schedule for today: AAG optional shooting practice 3:15-4:15 AAB Practice 4-530pm

AB QC3 secured a 76 to 32 win over Immanuel Christian last night. The boys had a great overall effort and were strong on offensive and defense. Carlyle Superales had 14 pts, while Tyson MacKinnon and Gabe Conroy had 12 pts each. Way to go boys! 

The yearbook orders have been counted and the class with the highest percentage of sales at almost 90% is 9I.  Congratulations and…

Basketball Schedule for today: AB QC3 HOST Immanuel Christian 4:30pm AB QC2 practice 6-7:30pm

Wellness Club Group 2 has been posted on the Wellness Room door and PE bulletin board. Group #2 will go until March break!  Attention all Grade 9 trip students.  There are signs up around the grade 9 halls with a Google classroom code for the trip. Please join the classroom where you can send photos for the yearbook and the TV slideshow, and also fill out a survey about the trip…

Basketball Schedule for today: AAB Prac 3:15-4:45pm AAG Prac 3:45-5:15pm AB QC2 Prac 5:30-7pm AB QC3 Prac 6:30-8pm AG Prac 7-8:30pm

Wellness Club Group 2 has been posted on the Wellness Room door and PE bulletin board. Group #2 will go until March break!  The “A” Girls basketball team had a terrific victory over Belfast last night winning 44-40. It was a true overall team effort with strong offence, every single player put up baskets. Great shooting by Maxinne Bareng, Hailey…

Basketball Schedule for today: AG @ Belfast 4:30pm AAG @ Birchwood 4pm (Cabs 3:15 from triple doors)  AAB @ Birchwood 5:30pm AB QC3 @ Francios Buote 5:30

Group 1 Hockey Skills members will have their final ice time tomorrow at Simmons at 2:30.  Group 2 Hockey Skills members please make sure your forms and fee is passed in as soon as possible. Any questions please see Mr. Ward or Mr. Phelan. There will not be a yearbook meeting today.  A reminder that there will be a…

Basketball Schedule for today: AA Boys practice 4-5:30pm

There will be a group of students from Queen Charlotte going skiing during the day on the 31st of January.  This is offered on a first come first serve basis to the first 40 students to return the signed form and money.  Permission and information forms can be found in the office or outside of Mme Cooper’s class, room 108.  Mme Cooper will be collecting money and forms outside of her class on both Monday and…

Basketball Schedule for today: A Girls 3:00 – 4:00pm AA Girls 3:15-4:30pm AA Boys 6:00 -7:30pm

Grade 9 students will meet cabs at the triple doors at 10:00am to head to the Bowling Alley. There will be a group of students from Queen Charlotte going skiing during the day on the 31st of January.  This is offered on a first come first serve basis to the first 40 students to return the signed form and money.  Permission and information forms can be found in the office or…

Basketball Schedule for today: AAG practice 3:15pm-4:30pm AB QC2 & QC3 practice 4:30-6:00pm

With the 1 hour delay today, we are going to split periods 1 and 2 (30 minutes each) and have break at the usual time.  3rd period will take place at the usual time as well. 9:50 - 10:20  period 1 10:20 – 10:50  period 2 10:50 – 11:05  break 11:05 – 12:05 period 3 Grade 9 students will meet cabs at the triple doors at 9:50am to head to the library. Group 2 Hockey…