Department of Education French Immersion Video
The following is a link to a virtual presentation created by the Department of Education French Immersion Consultants. The presentation outlines the expectations and overview of the LFI program at the intermediate level. All grade six families who are considering LFI for grade seven at Queen Charlotte Intermediate are asked to view the video before completing the LFI registration form.
Queen Charlotte Intermediate Late FI Information:
For parents and grade 6 students coming to QCIS in September 2022, we had a virtual Google Meet on Thursday, February 10 to provide an overview of our LFI program at QC. Please access the following link to view a video of this session.
QC Information Session - Thursday, February 10 (video)
QC Grade 7 Student View on FI Program (video)
All Late French Immersion Registration Forms will be dropped off to feeder schools on Friday, February 11th. If any grade 6 English student is registering for Late French Immersion for the 2022-2023 school year for grade 7, all registration forms are due back on or before Friday, March 4th. All forms are to be returned to their own feeder school Grade 6 HR teacher. If you have any questions about our Late French Immersion program, please call Queen Charlotte Intermediate School at 902-368-6970 to talk to our Principal Mr. K.J. White.
LFI Forms:
Information Form 2022 (PDF)
Registration Form 2022 (PDF)