QC Parent Teacher Interviews


Our interviews will take place on Thursday, March 6th  from 6:00- 8:30pm and Friday, March 7th  from 8:30am - 12:00pm.  Information will be sent out to all parents/families explaining how to sign up for an interview appointment. We are asking each parent to select two (2) appointments per student for core subjects. Other subject teachers will be available for an appointment on a first come, first served basis.

If you prefer a phone call, in lieu of signing up for an in-person interview, please send an email to the teacher you would like to speak to and include the phone number you can be reached at in the email. Each teacher will call you back to offer an update on your child’s progress.  Staff e-mail addresses can be found on our website. https://queencharlotte.edu.pe.ca/about/staff-directory

If you require an interpreter for your child’s Parent Teacher interview, please reach out to IRSA (Immigrant and Refugee Services Association PEI at (902) 628-6009.


Queen Charlotte Intermediate School On-line Parent/Teacher Interview Booking System

The booking system for appointment scheduling for parents will open on Monday, February 24th  at 8:00am and remain open until Monday, March 3rd at 12:00pm.  You will be able to view the teacher's calendars and schedule appointments once you have "registered" and entered your student into the system. https://qc.parentteacherconferences.net/


To help organize and prepare for interviews, please login into PowerSchool to view your child’s progress, your child’s teachers for each subject, and to look over assignments, marks, and attendance before signing up for a parent/teacher interview appointment.

If you have any issues logging in to your PowerSchool account, please click on this link https://tinyurl.com/PS-Parent-Portal-Instructions or contact Vice Principal, Trevor MacNeill at tdmacneill@cloud.edu.pe.ca